
To experience My power, you must first become a rigorous spiritual seeker. Then only you will experience My power, compassion, affection, protection, and redemption from sin.

God is not pleased with externals. He is pleased with the inner feelings. Inner feeling is an eternal power.

People who believe Me by mind, action and speech, leaving all other dharmas behind, are really blessed people.

Material: Impressions

“I am beyond all limitations.”
- Srīpāda

Acquiring the Srīpāda biography Material | Pictures for download

Gokarna | Mahasamsthanam, Pithapuram Kukkuteswar temple, Pithapuram Kuruvapur and Panchadev Pahad Narasimha Saraswati | Swamī Samartha
Here are some images, esp. from the temple at the birthplace of Srīpāda in Pithapuram, where he lived the first 16 years of his incarnation, and from Kuruvapur and Panchadev Pahad, where he lived until his disappearance in 1350. You also find a few images from his second and third incarnations.


Very old statue of Srīpāda at Gokarna, where he stayed for a while.

Srīpāda Srīvallabha

At the Mahasamsthanam, Pithapuram

Entry to the Maha Samsthanam Audumbara tree in front of the temple
Entry to the Maha Samsthanam Audumbara tree in front of the temple
Temple entrance Srīpāda statue in front of the temple
Temple entrance Srīpāda statue in front of the temple
The temple top The temple top
The temple top
Inside the temple Statue at the side entrance
Inside the temple Statue at the side entrance
Inside, Statues Waving of Camphor
Statues of Srīpāda, Dattatreya, Narasimha Saraswathi Waving of Camphor
Sajjanagada Ramaswamy Sajjanagada Ramaswamy
Sri Sajjanagada Ramaswamy
Late Pontiff of the Sripada Srivallabha Maha Samsthanam
Cow shelter (Gosala) next to the temple
Cow shelter (Gosala) next to the temple

At the Kukkuteswar temple, Pithapuram

Pond inside Kukkuteswar temple Statues of Dattatreya incarnations
Pond inside Kukkuteswar temple Statues of Dattatreya incarnations
In front of the self-manifested Datta Srīpāda statue in the temple
In front of the self-manifested Datta Srīpāda statue in the temple

Kuruvapuram and Panchadev Pahad

Sripada statue at Nivrutti Sangamam Panchadev Pahad
Sripada statue at Nivrutti Sangamam Panchadev Pahad
Confluence of Krishna and Bhima Rivers
View from Panchadev Pahad to Kuruvapur At the Krishna River, view to Kuruvapur
View from Panchadev Pahad to Kuruvapur At the Krishna River, view to Kuruvapur
Audumbara tree at Kuruvapur Flag on temple top
Audumbara tree at Kuruvapur Flag on temple top
Srīpāda statue under 1000 years old banyan tree Srīpāda statue under 1000 years old banyan tree
Srīpāda statue under 1000 years old banyan tree
Kuruvapuram, inner court Kuruvapuram, inner court
Kuruvapuram, inner court
Kuruvapuram, inner court Kuruvapuram, inner court
Kuruvapuram, inner court Inside
Srīpāda statue  Srīpāda
Srīpāda statue
Dattatreya statue Dattatreya statue
Dattatreya statues
Dattatreya statue Carved door
Dattatreya statues Carved door
Painting of Narasimha Saraswati Painting of Swami Samartha
Painting of Narasimha Saraswati Painting of Swami Samartha

Narasimha Saraswati

Statue of Narasimha Saraswati
Statue of Narasimha Saraswati, Mahasamsthanam, Pithapuram

Painting of Narasimha Saraswati Drawing of Narasimha Saraswati; Satish Ansingkar, Wikimedia
Painting of Narasimha Saraswati Drawing of Narasimha Saraswati
Narasimha Saraswati; Satish Ansingkar, Wikimedia Narasimha Saraswati; Satish Ansingkar, Wikimedia
Narasimha Saraswati, Nirgun Math, Ganagapur Narasimha Saraswati, Nirgun Math, Ganagapur

Swamī Samartha

Swamī Samartha Original photo by Kodak company
Painting of Swamī Samartha Original photo by Kodak company

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